This form is provided for your convenience to order gift trays for your company or yourself to give as year end gifts to employees, clients, vendors and friends. Each gift tray comes with chocolate chip, peanut butter and snickerdoodle cookies and an assortment of Hershey's candies all wrapped up nicely in festive cellophane and tied with a bow. A unique gift card describing The Cookie Sale is also included. If you want to buy cookies and are not affiliated with a business or organization, please email We will have someone contact you directly to confirm your order and provide any further information you may need. Please click here to view our cookie gift tray.
The cost of a cookie tray is $20. A $9 shipping and handling fee will be added to each tray that you have us mail. If you are including a special gift from your company, there may be an increased shipping fee due to the weight of the item, please call for approval. Please note that all gift tray orders and any items you want to include must arrive to us by Monday, November 28, 2022!
If you have any questions please feel free to call 717-509-7399 or 1-866-COOKIE-9.